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2장. 자료의 구조 x=rep(1,10) #1을 10번 반복 #빈도분석 x=rep(LETTERS[1:3],c(1520,790,510)) #LETTERS[1:3] = a,b,c / a를 1520번 반복, b를 790번 반복, c를 510번 반복 library(prettyR) freq(x) freq(x,display.na=FALSE) #파이차트 pie(table(x)) #pie에서는 x만써서는 안되며, table(x)로 표기해야 함 pie(table(x),main="예제2.2 파이차트") #파레도차트 x=rep(LETTERS[1:5],c(35,9,45,6,5)) #LETTERS[1:5] = a,b,c,d,e library(qcc) pareto.chart(table(X)) pareto.chart(table(X..
The nature of technological progress has positive and negative effect on spending in research & development. On the on hand researcher today know more and can use a larger set of tools than did those who came before them Thus, we would expect researachers today to be more productive On the other hand, it is more difficult for researchers today discovering new technologies because the easiest dis..
https://soundout.org/ladder-of-student-involvement/ Roger Hart's Ladder of young people's participation Sociologist Roger Hart wrote a book called Chilldren's particiation: The theory and practice of Involving youth citizens in community develoment and environmental care for UNICEF in 1997. This grondbreaking work put the work of young people and adult allies around the world in the context of a..
Originally published as Arnstein Sherry R. "Ladder of citizen Participation" Type of participation and nonparticipation Nonparticipation Step. 1 Manipulation Step. 2 Theraphy Tokenism Step. 3 Informing Step. 4 Consultation Step. 5 Placation Citzen power Step. 6 Partnership Step. 7 Delegated Power Step. 8 Citizne Control