우리가 살아가는 도시

2019.08.28[English&japanesses] 본문

내가 살아가는 도시/English


세화주 2019. 8. 28. 11:15


1. The former professor fit me better

2. For example, workers think more about their health, so they go to exercise and eat fresh food as well at lunchtime.

3. And also, recently many people think more about their appearance, so they are very careful about what they eat

4. And these days, people care more about what they eat because they care about their looks.


[Real Class]

Wanna hang out?

Wanna come?

Wanna come over?

Wanna come over this weekend?

Wanna come to my house?

'내가 살아가는 도시 > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

2019.08.27[English&Japanesses]  (0) 2019.08.27